Monday, July 5, 2010

First weigh in

SO here are my pictures as promised. Yeah I know some of you may be thinking you, that I am not going to be a tough competitor but look at this muffin top I have going on.

Yeah I know...not good! Granted I am wearing a tight pair of pants and the tighest shirt I could find, but I wanted to see it in all it's glory.

So here is my weigh in...

Well, I have been working hard so my hope is that this looks quite a bit smaller by the end of this month. My goal is to lose 5 lbs this month.

Some of you have emailed me your weights which is awesome. If you want to, you are more than welcome. If you are like me and feel like you need to be held accountable for it then please send it along. I will only post it if you ask me to.

Please feel free to email me your goals or post them in a the comment box. (of course this is always optional)

Happy working out and eating to you all.

By the way we are now at $130 and I know there is a 10 spot in the mail