Monday, August 30, 2010

Weigh in #2

Another week gone and here is where some of you are at:

TyLeen 167.2 now 167
TaNelle ? now 145.2
Julie 126.6 now 126
Becky 236 now 234
Kris 235 now 232
Tami 199 now 195

Looks like everyone is doing well! At least there is no weight gains on this list! Way to go girls!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Weigh in #1

So I got a few of your weights so here we go, in no particular order:

Julie 130.2 now 126.6
TyLeen 168.6 now 167.2
Becky 242 now 236
D'Ann 154.5 now 151.5
Kris 237 now 235
Tami 207 now 199

Looks like everyone is on a roll. Hopefully next week we can get this a little bit more accurate with our other competitors.

Thanks everyone and good luck this week!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Slacking Big Time

So I don't know about the rest of you, but this summer has really got me slacking on things. So finally I am posting more information about our competition this time around. I want to gather your starting weights this month. Many people have told me they want to be held more accountable, so this is a little bit better way to achieve that. Then every Friday after you email me your current weight I will post how you did for the week.

So everyone who is doing another round with me please send me your starting weight and then email me again your current weight on Friday.

Also I am going to make the cut off date to receive the money this Friday. If I don't see it, then whatever your current weight at the time I receive the $20 will be your starting weight. This will give those who paid early a little bit more of an advantage.

You will know I have your money when you name is posted.

Good Luck everyone!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

No wonder

So Valerie sent her secret to her success. All I can say is no wonder she won!

YAY!!! I am so excited! I tracked my workouts, so just in case everyone wants to know my secret to success, it was this:

Run 3+ miles every M-F for a total of 65 miles
2x/week Jillian Michaels 20 Min Shred, levels 2 and 3 (this is an awesome workout!)
Swim 128 lengths of Jason Lee pool
1x/week weight lifting in gym
5 misc hours of Turbo Jam aerobics
Mow lawn once a week (usually in 90 degree heat)
37 pushups and 37 situps about 4x/wk
20+ sugar-free days, good portion control on the days I did have sweets, and LOTS of raw veggies.

Oh, and my husband is in Iraq, I have 3 kids, and I'm having surgery tomorrow. If I can do it, anyone can! Good luck to you all on the next competition! -Valerie

Monday, August 2, 2010

And the winner is.........

So I know that everyone is dying to know who the winner is.

This chick whooped us all by losing 9.5 pounds which put her percentage at 5.9% Whoa!!!!

Who is this awesome girl????????

It's Valerie!!!!!!

Way to go Valerie.

Now how did the rest of us do??

Here we are:
Valerie 5.9%
TyLeen 4.098%
Jennica 3.636%
Kim 2.9%
Kris 2.469&
Julie 2.243%
Jodi 1.415%
Debbi 1.371%
Becky 0.813%
Krissa 0.7%

I am so proud of all of you! I know for me I have had my ups and downs but I can't feel like a loser, when I lost some weight.

I hope you join me for another round.